Engineering Insurance
Whether you are building someone’s dream house or for big business, Engineering Insurance cover has your back. It covers unforeseen and sudden losses to various engineering activities, such as machinery breakdown in factories, construction plants, and machinery on project sites, among others.

Whether you are building someone’s dream house or for big businesses, Engineering Insurance cover has your back.
Our Engineering and Construction Insurance policies include:
- CONTRACTOR’S ALL RISKS / ERECTION ALL RISKS (CAR/EAR)– is an insurance approach that gives coverage to property damage (Civil Engineering Construction Projects) and outsider (3rd Party Liability) destruction or human injury claims. Policy can be extended to cover the maintenance period as well as the actual construction period.
- Principal’s Advance Loss of Profits / delay in start-up– Advance loss of profit (ALOP) insurance provides coverage for financial losses due to delays in construction and infrastructure projects. It also provide a payout if companies face higher costs or lost profits when a project takes longer than expected to complete.
- Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI)– This is certainly a specific kind of insurance based on “all risk” cover for electronic equipment. It covers physical loss or damage to Equipment. This insurance covers specific items, devices, equipment or computer and data handling devices. The policy extends to cover Increased Cost of Working.
Exclusions: Infidelity of Employees
- Machinery Breakdown Insurance (MBI) -Machinery Breakdown Insurance particularly covers sudden and unforeseen failure of machinery and equipment that are installed and have just keep running in factories. Such failure is caused by human, whether accidental or physical reasons, when machinery and equipment are in operation. Cover consists of loss or damages causing from machine-driven or electrical breakdown.
- Contractor’s Plant and Machinery Insurance (CPM) -Damage or loss of costly machineries could be a disaster for a small construction contracting business as these machines represent such a great asset. Contractor’s Plant and Machinery Insurance protects your business from these losses.The insurance delivers you with a complete financial protection against physical loss or destruction to the covered machinery due to any reason which is unintentional, unforeseen, and out in nature. This Plan covers damage to the insured machinery or plant:
- While the machinery is at work
- While the machinery is at Rest
- While the machinery is being pulled apart for the purpose of washing/refitting or during subsequent assembly.
- Sabotage, Terrorism and War Risk – Sabotage, Terrorism and War Insurance coverage gives you and your business unique protection from some of the most unpredictable risks in the world.
- Decennial Liability Insurance – Decennial Liability Insurance is a product that is taken out by the Builders, Contractors, Engineering firms or Construction companies to cover expenses associated with the potential downfall of the building or house after completion. It covers fixed 10-year period after completion of the project.
The contractor and the supervising architect or engineer are jointly and severally liable to the employer for a period of ten years (as the name suggests) from the date of delivery of the works in respect of serious structural defects or collapse. Thus, owners required the contractors of an insurance coverage that covers the costs to rectify a total or partial collapse of the construction.
- Offshore Construction Risk – offers coverage for physical damage or loss to contract works, including temporary works. The Cover would include Builders Risks and cargo coverage, Sue and labor and removal of wreck for a separate limit, Removal of wreck and debris separate limit, Existing property , Expediting expenses, War etc. subject to waterborne agreement and Maintenance period.